Friday, 14 November 2014 , Sardargarh
Today Pati and BeeBee rode on a meter gauge local train between two villages, a distance of 44 km. They boarded the train at the small Sardargarh station. Their traveling companions from the hotel were the Dutch foursome, plus a guide. All 7 of them sat on two opposing bench seats, which had berths above for sleeping (no one used them but BeeBee saw Pati considering them). BeeBee had a window seat for excellent picture-taking opportunities. Each train window had 4 horizontal metal bars, which were not a problem, because their camera was small enough to fit between the bars. The first part of the trip went through and stopped at other villages. At the first stop, the rails split into two sets of tracks. Another train was waiting on the other set of tracks, and some villagers switched between trains.
At one stop, an elderly man in white with a colorful turban got on and sat at the end of bench, diagonal from BeeBee. He and the guide chatted, be graciously posed for pictures, and then he demonstrated how he tied his turban (BeeBee has video). He offered the turban to one of the Dutchmen, who posed in it. Then the other Dutchman and Pati tried the turban and posed, and then finally all three women - BeeBee included - did the same.
At another stop, the guide got down from the train and took pictures of each couple peering through the bars of the train window, using their cameras. Finally, the Dutch group left the train at the Manwar stop, where their driver and guide were waiting to take them in some further adventures. Pati, BeeBee and their guide remained on the train for even more exciting scenery.
The train passes through the Ravli Sanctuary, with 100-foot-high bridges, two long tunnels (where the guide and other passengers made erie sounds for the echo effect), a (now dry) waterfall, and thick jungle. The track was cut out of the side of the cliff, with steep drops to left side of the train. There is a change of 1000 feet in elevation, downward. This railroad was built in 1928.
One of the first stops was to test the brakes. Pati, BeeBee, and the guide got off, and he showed them the various parts of the station and explained its history. Reboarding, the guide opened a window so that BeeBee could take pictures without the bars. She took many pictures of the gorgeous scenery and of the train as it curved toward a bridge or tunnel. The train paused at the Goram Ghat flag station, where the monkeys were waiting for their treats. Villagers tossed them chipatis, while the guides gave Pati and BeeBee crackers to toss. Finally arriving at Phulad, Pati, BeeBee, and the guide left the train. Deepak was waiting with the car, and they all drove back to the hotel, following the same route they had traveled yesterday.
Meter Gauge Train |
Yes, by all means... Test The Brakes !!!